6 Working with Outputs
The results coming from the LT-GEE algorithm are packaged as array images. If you are unfamiliar with the array image format, please see the GEE documentation. As array images, it is best to think of each pixel as a separate container of information. Each container is independent of others and can have varying observation lengths determined by the difference between the number of years in the time series and the number of masked observations in that time series. Image arrays are highly flexible, and in the case of the ‘LandTrendr’ band output, it allows slicing on 2 dimensions (observation [axis 1], and attribute [axis 0]), which is particularly handy for extracting all attributes for a given observation or set of observations (like observations identified as vertices). Though useful for slicing and manipulating segmentation information, the image array construct is not very good for visualization and exporting, so we will also demonstrate transforming the arrays to traditional images with bands representing observation values per year in the time series, by projecting (arrayProject
) and/or flattening (arrayFlatten
) the the arrays.
specifically, this section will walk through:
- Some operations that can be performed on the ‘LandTrendr’ band image array to extract segment information
- Isolate the greatest delta segment of a time series
- Filter the greatest delta segment by vegetation loss magnitude and loss duration
- Apply a minimum mapping unit filter to identified disturbance pixels to reduce spatial noise
- Convert a fitted (FTV) band from an image array to an image with a band per year in the time series
Note that the following code snippets are intended to be a template for learning and building on. We also provide shortcut functions to perform these operations in the API Functions section, which greatly simplify these steps.
6.1 Getting segment information
The ‘LandTrendr’ Band output exists as an image array containing information for every observation not masked in the input collection. We hope that you’ll discover ways to utilize all the information, but we have focused on information regarding only the observations identified as vertices in the spectral-temporal segmentation. To extract only these observations we can use the 4th row of the ‘LandTrendr’ band, which is a Boolean indicating whether an observation is a vertex or not, to mask all the other rows (year, source value, fitted value):
var lt = ee.Algorithms.TemporalSegmentation.LandTrendr(run_params) // run LandTrendr spectral temporal segmentation algorithm
.select('LandTrendr'); // select the LandTrendr band
var vertexMask = lt.arraySlice(0, 3, 4); // slice out the 'Is Vertex' row - yes(1)/no(0)
var vertices = lt.arrayMask(vertexMask); // use the 'Is Vertex' row as a mask for all rows
Now we only have vertex observations in the vertices
array. With this we can query information about vertices, count the number of vertices, and we can also generate information about segments defined by vertices, like magnitude of change and segment duration.
In the following snippet we will create a series of variables that describe the 1) start year, 2) end year, 3) start value, and 4) end value for each segment in a given pixel’s time series. To do this, we first shift a copy of the vertices
array along axis 1 (columns/annual observations) by 1 column so that we can subtract one from the other to obtain start and end year as well as start and end value for each segment.
var left = vertices.arraySlice(1, 0, -1); // slice out the vertices as the start of segments
var right = vertices.arraySlice(1, 1, null); // slice out the vertices as the end of segments
var startYear = left.arraySlice(0, 0, 1); // get year dimension of LT data from the segment start vertices
var startVal = left.arraySlice(0, 2, 3); // get spectral index dimension of LT data from the segment start vertices
var endYear = right.arraySlice(0, 0, 1); // get year dimension of LT data from the segment end vertices
var endVal = right.arraySlice(0, 2, 3); // get spectral index dimension of LT data from the segment end vertices
Now, for each segment in a given pixel’s time series we know the start and end year and value. With this information we can calculate the duration of each segment and also the delta, or magnitude of change by subtracting starting year and value from ending year and value for each segment.
var dur = endYear.subtract(startYear); // subtract the segment start year from the segment end year to calculate the duration of segments
var mag = endVal.subtract(startVal); // substract the segment start index value from the segment end index value to calculate the delta of segments
var rate = mag.divide(dur); // calculate the rate of spectral change
Next, we’ll make an array that contains all segment attributes.
var segInfo = ee.Image.cat([startYear.add(1), endYear, startVal, endVal, mag, dur, rate])
Keep in mind that the segment delta and rate may be inverted from it’s native orientation, based on whether you inverted the spectral values in the input collection. This is good, though, because then we always know that a positive delta/rate indicates increasing vegetation and a negative delta/rate indicates decreasing vegetation.
This segmentation information array is the base for exploring, querying, and mapping change.
6.2 Isolate a single segment of interest
Segments represent a durable spectral trajectory. A pixel’s state can remain stable or transition to a different state. Transitions can occur over short or long periods of time, they can be major or minor, and starting and ending states can vary. In this section we’ll take the segment information and extract out from all segments in a given pixel’s time series only the greatest magnitude vegetation loss segment. To achieve this, we can sort the segment information array by the magnitude of change, and then slice out the first (greatest magnitude) segment’s information.
var sortByThis = segInfo.arraySlice(0,4,5).toArray(0).multiply(-1); // need to flip the delta here, since arraySort is working by ascending order
var segInfoSorted = segInfo.arraySort(sortByThis); // sort the array by magnitude
var bigDelta = segInfoSorted.arraySlice(1, 0, 1); // get the first segment in the sorted array (greatest magnitude vegetation loss segment)
6.3 Filter an isolated segment by an attribute
Once we have a single segment of interest isolated (greatest vegetation loss, in this case) we can transform the array into an image and perform filtering by other attributes of the segment of interest. Since the first band in the input collection to LandTrendr was oriented so that vegetation loss is represented by a positive delta (see LT-GEE Requirments section), you may need to multiply any attribute derived from the spectral input by -1 to re-orient it to its native state. This is evident in the following snippet as .multiply(distDir)
, where distDir
is the scalar to possibly invert the values. Also follow the links in the example scripts section to see where are how distDir
is used.
var bigDeltaImg = ee.Image.cat(bigDelta.arraySlice(0,0,1).arrayProject([1]).arrayFlatten([['yod']]),
Now we have a traditional image with bands for each segment attribute. From here we can create and apply a mask to identify only vegetation loss magnitudes greater/less than (depends on spectral index orientation) a minimum value and less than 4 years in duration.
6.4 Filter by patch size
Finally we can eliminate spatial noise by applying a minimum mapping unit, based on the year of disturbance detection (you could patchify pixels by other attributes too)
var mmuPatches = bigFastDist.select(['yod']) // patchify based on disturbances having the same year of detection
.connectedPixelCount(mmu, true) // count the number of pixel in a candidate patch
.gte(11); // are the the number of pixels per candidate patch greater than user-defined minimum mapping unit?
var bigFastDist = bigFastDist.updateMask(mmuPatches); // mask the pixels/patches that are less than minimum mapping unit
6.5 Transform an FTV array to an image stack
The previous sections described how to manipulate the ‘LandTrendr’ band array. In this section we’ll turn our attention to an example of an FTV band. If LT-GEE was run on a collection that included more than a single band, then the subsequent bands will be included in the LT-GEE output as FTV bands, where all observations between the user-defined starting and ending years will be fit the segmentation structure of the first band.
Run LT-GEE on a collection that includes NBR as band 1 and Band 4 (NIR) as a second band. The output will include a Band 4 fitted to NBR segmentation, which we’ll select by calling its band name, the concatenation of the band name from the LT-GEE input collection and ’_fit’.
var LTresult = ee.Algorithms.TemporalSegmentation.LandTrendr(run_params); // run LT-GEE
var B4ftv = LTresult.select(['B4_fit']); // subset the B4_fit band
The ‘B4ftv’ variable is a 1 dimensional array. To convert it to an image with bands representing years, we use the arrayFlatten
function. The arrayFlatten
function takes a list of band labels with dimensions that match the dimensions of the image array to be flattened. We have 1 dimension and each observation along the single axis represents a year, so we just need to make a list of years and supply it as input to arrayFlatten
var years = []; // make an empty array to hold year band names
for (var i = startYear; i <= endYear; ++i) years.push('yr'+i.toString()); // fill the array with years from the startYear to the endYear and convert them to string
var B4ftvStack = B4ftv.arrayFlatten([years]); // flatten this out into bands, assigning the year as the band name
Now the FTV image array is a standard image band stack that can be easily displayed or exported.